Celebrating Rachel

June 8th, 2018

Our story isn’t a fairy tale one, but one with a lot of truth, honesty and heart.

My first memories with Rachel were from when I had braces, so needless to say it was a while ago. I have an old photo of us at church camp together when we were in Middle School. Rachel’s hair was bountifully, naturally curly and mine was straightened stick straight. We knew of each other, but didn’t know much more than that.

Fast forward to High School. It’s safe to say when I hurt her big brother’s heart, the Mama Bear in Rachel came out (have you ever met Lana?) big time! Fifteen-year-old Rachel, even then, was a very strong-willed woman and was not shy about her disapproval of me after hurting her brother. As protective as they are of their only sister, Rachel’s upbringing with all brothers made her pretty damn feisty.

I knew this wasn’t good. As long as I was not in good graces with Rach, my relationship with Matt would not prosper. You see, Rachel’s opinion matters a great deal to her brothers. Being the only girl with three brothers, they look up to her. I recall stories of Matt asking Rachel nearly every day before they left for school, “Rachel, does this go together? How do I look? How’s my hair?”.

Fast forward to college. Life delt Rachel and I both cards that made us do a lot of growing up. When Matt and I reconnected a few years later, Rachel was skeptical, but kind. As the years passed, Rachel and my relationship slowly blossomed.

When we would cross paths downtown way too late at night and share our hearts.

When we found out she was expecting a baby.

When I proudly sat in the audience and watched her graduate after becoming a mother.

When I lost Ben and she was there for me.

When we laughed our asses off playing games at a family girls weekend.

When we shared serious, tearful conversations on the living room couch.

When we pick each other up and stand strong through it all together.

I too, respect and look up to Rachel. I have witnessed her walk through some of the most transformative life changes and wonder, how does she do it? You are beautiful (seriously, enviable), kind and sincere. You are a wonderful, heartfelt daughter, sister, teacher, wife and mother. I am so proud to call you family, Rachel.

Needless to say, we’ve come a long way. All the way to a weekend solely dedicated to celebrating you! We can’t wait to kick off the celebration tonight. I’ll see you in the Windy City!


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